UCalgary Alumni Magazine - Summer 2014
enWhere Are We?
<!--paging_filter--><h4 style="font: normal 24px Georgia, times, serif; color: #ee2e24;">Pipe Dreams<hr></h4>
<p>They’re not dank and smelly like the
underground tunnels of <i>Les Misérables,</i> but
the University of Calgary’s subterranean
labyrinth of pipes would be just as tough to
hump a body around.</p><p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/summer-2014/article/where-are-we">read more</a></p>Summer 2014Sun, 01 Jun 2014 00:51:13 +0000alumni354 at http://www.ucalgarymag.caUpstanding Faculty
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<h4 style="font: normal 24px Georgia, times, serif; color: #ee2e24;">
<span class="inline inline-left" style="margin-top:0px;height:295px;padding-right:2px;border-right:1px solid #EFEFEF;"> <span class="inline inline-left"><img src="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/files/ucalgarymag/Teaching_the_talk.jpg" /></span></span>Teaching the Talk<br/>
<span style="font-size: 18px; color: #000000;">Isabelle Barrette-Ng is one of 17 winners of the inaugural University of Calgary Teaching Awards</span></h4>
<p>Students descend into the rows of seats in the lecture hall, waving at friends and<p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/summer-2014/article/upstanding-faculty">read more</a></p>Summer 2014Sat, 31 May 2014 22:33:21 +0000alumni353 at http://www.ucalgarymag.caUpstanding Alumni
<!--paging_filter--><h4 style="font: normal 24px Georgia, times, serif; color: #ee2e24;"> He’d Like to Build the World a Home<hr></h4>
<p>Shrinking vacancy rates, rising rents and an influx of newcomers add up to “situation critical” for affordable housing in Calgary.</p>
<p>Sadly, those most at risk are low-income seniors with mental illness or addictions, says Lawrence Braul, MSW’94, CEO of the Trinity Place Foundation of Alberta.</p>
<p>The solution, says Braul, is straightforward.</p><p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/summer-2014/article/upstanding-alumni">read more</a></p>Summer 2014Sat, 31 May 2014 19:35:02 +0000alumni352 at http://www.ucalgarymag.caUpstanding Researcher
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<span class="inline inline-left"><img src="/files/ucalgarymag/imagecache/article_inline_wide/Picturing_new_ways.jpg" /><span class="caption" style="width:630px;">In March, Dr. Paul Kubes was appointed to lead one of the University of Calgary’s six multidisciplinary strategic research themes: “Infections, Inflammation and Chronic Diseases in a Changing World.”</span></span>
<h4 style="font: normal 24px Georgia, times, serif; color: #ee2e24;">
Picturing New Ways to Treat Diseases<hr></h4>
<p>In 1970, the U.S. Surgeon-General said it was “time to close the book” on infectious diseases and declare the war won — thanks to antibiotics that killed harmful bacteria.</p><p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/summer-2014/article/upstanding-researcher">read more</a></p>Summer 2014Sat, 31 May 2014 19:00:36 +0000alumni351 at http://www.ucalgarymag.caU Give Back
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<span class="inline inline-left"><img src="/files/ucalgarymag/To_Serve_with_Love_1.jpg" /><span class="caption">Fred and Robin Terentiuk</span></span>
<h4 style="font: normal 24px Georgia, times, serif; color: #ee2e24;">
To Serve With Love<p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/summer-2014/article/u-give-back">read more</a></p>Summer 2014Sat, 31 May 2014 18:29:37 +0000alumni350 at http://www.ucalgarymag.caUnrelenting Athletes
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<span class="inline inline-left"><img src="/files/ucalgarymag/UofC_Alumni_Coyotes_1.jpg" /><span class="caption">L-R: Craig Stewart, George Gosbee, W. David Duckett.</span></span>
<h4 style="font: normal 24px Georgia, times, serif; color: #ee2e24;">
Buying the Phoenix Coyotes was a 'Dream come True'<p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/summer-2014/article/unrelenting-athletes">read more</a></p>Summer 2014Sat, 31 May 2014 15:07:53 +0000alumni349 at http://www.ucalgarymag.caClass Notes
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<p>Share your news & updates by visiting <a href="http://www.netcommunity.ucalgary.ca/">www.netcommunity.ucalgary.ca</a> and clicking “Class Notes.”</p><p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/summer-2014/article/class-notes">read more</a></p>Summer 2014Sat, 31 May 2014 04:45:29 +0000alumni348 at http://www.ucalgarymag.caUpdate Alumni
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<h4 style="font: normal 24px Georgia, times, serif; color: #ee2e24;">
<span class="inline inline-left"><img src="/files/ucalgarymag/imagecache/article_inline_wide/Moving-Alumni-final.jpg" /><span class="caption" style="width:630px;">CEO of the Calgary Stampede and president of the university’s Alumni Association, Vern Kimball (photo: Jay Im)</span></span>
<h4 style="font: normal 24px Georgia, times, serif; color: #ee2e24;">Moving Alumni Engagement Forward<p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/summer-2014/article/update-alumni">read more</a></p>Summer 2014Sat, 31 May 2014 03:17:28 +0000alumni347 at http://www.ucalgarymag.caUnexpected View
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<h4 style="font: normal 24px Georgia, times, serif; color: #ee2e24;">
<span class="inline inline-left" style="margin-top:0px;height:315px;padding-right:10px;border-right:1px solid #EFEFEF;">
<span class="inline inline-left"><img src="/files/ucalgarymag/JohnG.jpg" /></span>
</span>John Gilchrist<p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/summer-2014/article/unexpected-view">read more</a></p>Summer 2014Sat, 31 May 2014 02:10:07 +0000alumni346 at http://www.ucalgarymag.caHow I Will Spend My Summer Holidays
<!--paging_filter--><p>Summertime and the living’s easy... right?</p>
<p>Not always is what we discovered when we began rooting around campus corridors, labs and classrooms. For many University of Calgary faculty, students and even alumni — it’s actually one of the busiest seasons. No one’s crying the blues, though, because for many, it’s the season when they get to do what they love. It’s not exactly a holiday, but still, everyone seems to combine having fun with doing fulfilling work.</p><p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/summer-2014/article/how-i-will-spend-my-summer-holidays">read more</a></p>Summer 2014FeatureFri, 30 May 2014 21:05:27 +0000alumni339 at http://www.ucalgarymag.ca